Monday, February 29, 2016

There she is

My life is full and I am happy. Do my kids know that? I'm busy and gone a lot. I'm all kinds of stressed. No matter how much satisfaction I get from venturing out of the house, bringing in a paycheck, or expanding my knowledge I still tend to yell and nag and complain. Yuk.

Happiness is 100% a choice. And that is why there are people with disease, disabilities, and huge disadvantages that still manage to smile through it all. There are people who choose to focus on the positives in life. I have so much to be grateful about and so many exciting things are going on in my life. There is plenty of drama and even a hint of stability. Spring is on the way and I love my Suburban. I'm working between 30-40 hours a week, made it to the middle of my first semester back to school, have landed a couple of acting gigs, and love the time I have to be at home -Mom duties and all. I need my family to know I am happiest when I'm busy and though it doesn't give us a lot of time together or a spotless house I anticipate and appreciate the moments we share.

So it's not easy but I do think being a working mom is better for everyone involved and I just need to work harder at being a nicer person. Wow, so I am the same girl I've always been! I've always loved to be busy and a little (okay a lot) bitchy. Does that mean I've arrived? It kind of feels that way. I think I know who I am. Now to figure out the spiritual piece of the puzzle....