Friday, June 10, 2016

How real did it get?

Kind of miss this face it's been under a beard for almost a year now.

What a week! Hats off to all you business owners. I have never felt stress of this breed before. Glasswerks was Troy's. Being in charge is downright scary. I looked around at the moms with their children wherever I found myself and thought, "If only I could stay home again." But I'm alive and each day gets a little easier. I feel a little better realizing hormones had a role to play in this week's roller coaster ride. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I felt blind sided. Seriously, my mind is not built to process so much change and so many unknown variables. I'm being forced to plan months out anticipating everything will fall into place and work out some how.

I just have so much to learn and it's going to happen as I go. I've been assured there isn't one right way. I don't know what I would do without Troy. I'm not kidding, he will let me go over all the minute details with him, offering suggestions and applauding good ideas. He didn't complain when he ran out of clean clothes and had to make dinner every night. I didn't even hear him gripe about the obvious lack of attention he was awarded as I spent 4 hours after work doing my math homework for the grueling summer course I'm taking. He is my hero. He met me at random times twice this week to watch me fall apart as I felt that the world was moving faster than I could run, only to hold me and say "It'll get easier". I sincerely thought my head would explode when it was mentioned that I should probably hire an employee before summer ends. I had planned to do this solo for awhile, get a hang of things and gradually grow to a place where I might need another coach. However, I am not in charge of the wind (or earthquakes-Jessica W.).

It's so funny how I expect other people, specifically our children, to accept change gracefully but then I cry and complain louder than all of them when I don't get my way. I have been humbled this week as I am uncomfortable and out of control. What better way to learn to swim than to be thrown into the deep end?