Tuesday, December 27, 2016

This one might do it

I spent all day every Saturday in December with my theater family. Specifically the March family. We brought Louisa May Alcott's story of Little Women to life for audiences of eager theater goers. It was a fabulous way to celebrate the holiday season. As part of the experience I initiated a secret Santa project where each cast member chose a name from a hat and were asked to bring one gift each Saturday- preferably homemade. On the last performance day which happened to be Christmas Eve we revealed our identities. My secret Santa also happens to be gifted with the talent of Tarot reading and -with my permission- gave me a reading! I couldn't be more thrilled. (On my journey I have found the ideals of minimalism extremely appealing so I would much rather receive an experience than a thing.) It was a perfect gift. After my reading we got into a discussion about how he learned to use the cards and exactly what he does to prepare to do one. His words were almost exactly how I have heard men in the LDS church describe how they prepare to give a priesthood blessing! It was a light bulb moment for me. It is all the same thing. Both tarot cards and the priesthood power are vehicles to access enlightenment or God's will or whatever you want to label it. You don't have to be male or of a certain age or "worthy". You just have to be open and quiet and listening. I know this is true. I know I don't have to pray to get personal revelation. I can receive answers through meditation, when balancing my chakras, or washing the dishes. We all have so much power within ourselves. To be told blessings can only be obtained through strict obedience to a plethora of rules and certain ordinances is simply not true. You don't have to go to church, abstain from alcohol, read scriptures, get married, have a family, love everyone, try hard. Shit you don't have to do anything to be blessed. We are worth it. One of my friends once told me even if I had no children and/or never made any money in this life -I would still be worth it. Damn right I would. We are all enough.