Tuesday, October 1, 2019

What did you do this weekend?

Leading up to my birthday celebration and reflecting on it now, I realize I am a little weird. I didn't have a regular party by any means. We didn't have any alcohol, my husband wasn't invited, we didn't get dressed up- in fact we wore dirt on our faces! Even so, the weekend was epic.

I rented an Airbnb, not far from home, that offered a glamping opportunity. I invited my closest girls including my sisters, mom and oldest daughter. I hired a spiritual healer to lead us in a ritual and read tarot cards. And then I got into planning the details. I crafted a menu that accommodated my vegetarian and GF friends. I purchased candle holders to hang in the woods-one to represent each of the women who show up and shine in my life. I envisioned the ceremony and thought about how I could remind each of my guests how much potential and power each of them possess. As the weather turned cold I had to pull back on my idea of dancing naked in the woods and swimming in the river at midnight. We left out the primal screams and opted for a game of pool and dancing inside instead.

As we walked to the meadow just before dusk I was overwhelmed by the moment. The love I have for my friends, my life, my family, myself filled me with tingles. After being smudged with sage we settled into a circle. I marked each woman with a stripe of charcoal across her face to signify unity. We all looked ridiculous together. As I wiped black dust on her cheeks I told her why she was important to me and what I loved most about her. Once I'd gone around the circle it was suggested I become the object of their affection. Each of these amazing women then took some of the charcoal from their own cheeks, which was in some cases mixed with tears, and distinctly smeared my face while delivering compliments. Then we were led in a short meditation before making the trek back to the bunkhouse. The sun was quickly disappearing and each of them carried a flickering candle in a glass jar with a handle made of ribbon. The view from the rear of the procession was an unexpected highlight. The candles seemed to float as the sky grew dim, they provided just the right amount of light to get us back to the warmth of the building.

The harsh overhead lights of the bunkhouse were replaced by our tiny tea lights and a single lamp that had been tucked away now became a star! We all gathered around the table to be reminded of our fate, future and fortune. After each card's meaning was revealed we discussed and deliberated. I absolutely love depth and knowledge, new perspectives, insights. I love to engage and have epiphanies. We indulged in chocolate and played pool, we shook our booties and our boobies, we laughed and even sang before drifting off to sleep in the wee hours of the morning.

After ingesting our morning brew, we went on a nature walk. As we collected pieces that would become part of our mandalas we thanked the plants for sharing their bounty. It was surreal. I had been admiring nature mandalas for months on social media but I was intimidated by their intricacies. I doubted I could create a picture worthy design. However, I found myself in a flow state! I was so pleased with the "compass" I placed in the sweet grass. As I chomped on an apple picked on our walk, I realized if my art blew away or got stepped on it was okay with me. I understood the items I had so carefully placed were similar to the Tibetan prayer flags I had handed my guests the night before. The nature mandalas and the Tibetan prayer flags are both made as offerings. The flags are used to carry prayers on the wind and my simple pattern was meant to bring joy to anyone who might come across it. But both the flags and the art will sooner or later break down and dissolve, being absorbed by the universe. And isn't that true for everything? Every effort we make will eventually simply be just an offering taken up by the universe for the better of all. It isn't about getting recognition it's about contributing-giving.

Looking back, not long ago I wouldn't have had the capacity to host a New Moon gathering. But I am busting out and pushing boundaries. I'm 40 and it feels fabulous. Seriously, I don't know why people complain so much about getting older. I feel like I can tap into who I am, what I really want out of life much easier and I care a whole lot less about what anyone else thinks. I'm exploring so many new things and simultaneously making discoveries about my own gifts. I invite you to come with me now. You won't be sorry- right Ladies?