Monday, September 15, 2014

Ready, Set, Go!

I'm convinced the past 3 days of vay cay have undone the past 3 weeks of healthy eating and the habit of getting up at 5 am to get worked. 

It's fascinating to me how demo only takes a splinter of a fraction of the time it takes to erect a building.

Fabricating a habit, a building, a life- is tough work. It takes endless hours of engineering, meetings, planning and the like. It takes your whole heart and soul.

I look forward to seeing my sweet family, I definitely needed a break and feel revived. It's time to hold hands with my husband and blaze a trail that will leave a legacy of hopefully good memories and unity-that's the goal. Time to draw up the blue prints.

The view from my outdoor shower this morning-last day in beautiful Savannah.

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