Wednesday, May 4, 2016

All in good time

I've been quiet. Stifled by work and school, acting, mothering, being wife. I've been fulfilling my dreams, making money, making progress. I've been waiting while life unfolds. I once read and it has been swimming around in my head, "Somehow you will solve life's obstacles there is no doubt in that. All in good time they will be handled, not as fast as you would like sometimes, but still handled." It's true. This last month felt like an eternity as I waited for time to tell me what the right choice was. Early April I caught wind of an opportunity and it blew my way. I was offered the position of Director of the treasure valley for a program called Shining Stars. This company has written curriculum and a business model that successfully takes theater classes to preschools and daycare centers. Yes, sales are a huge part of this career path and not something I have much experience in. However, I love theater and feel the arts are priceless. So, without a firm timeline I approached my current employer (at a fantastic, family owned, one of a kind barbecue restaurant) and let him know I will be taking a new job soon. He responded with "Your timing is terrible. This is very disappointing. I was preparing to offer you a different position." So for a couple of weeks I struggled with which opportunity would win out. I called friends and family, I researched, I even prayed with a stranger in a Walmart parking lot! In the end, the answer came on a Sunday afternoon. I walked into a theater and was hit with a profound feeling of "home". I know where my heart is, who I am. I decided to go with the teaching/sales position as frightening as it will be. As soon as I made the decision, the ball started rolling and in addition I was asked to help teach beginning acting this summer for a different theater company!
I just finished my last assignment for a class- a reflection essay. It was awesome that my experiences this semester have cemented my idea to continue my education. I no longer feel like I once did-a fish out of water, floundering to figure out how to breathe. I'm handling life.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you to be following your dream! So happy to read this! Make it happen! You and God have got this!
