Saturday, February 28, 2015

My current state of mind

Here I go again. I am craving drama. I am twidling my thumbs. Over six weeks ago we put a low ball offer on a short sale. We have yet to start negotiations. I feel like my hands are tied. I can't start boxing up the stuff worth moving and I don't have any desire to clean out the garden beds in fear that we won't be here to watch the tomatoes turn.

"Desperate housewives" is a completely appropriate description-desperate for love, attention, excitement, spontaneity, energy, desire, fulfillment. I am particularly desparate for the peace and quiet-the oppertunity to be alone. To figure out or find the woman I have inside me. Full time motherhood tends to lend itself to helping us forget our worth and what we really want out of this life we are stumbling through.

Wednesday mornings when I have no other place to be but home, with all children rushed off to another "torturous" day of school-my soul rejoices and I feel as though I might float straight up and leave hand prints on the ceiling. I dance my ass off and I feel amazing for a little over two hours. (A big shout out to Miss Carolyn.) I've thought about doing some housework in the buff but I'm sure that would scare my neighbors-but oh the freedom that would ignite-soaring on wings of Eagles.

After I threw a fit this week desparately seeking space from my daily duties -namely our inquisitive 3 year old-Troy declared Saturday as Stephanie's Day.  It didn't feel real until he assured me they would manage without me last night-Friday. I was left to plan my golden day of solitude, guilt free. 

Nowhere I wanted to go opened until 9am so I planned to sleep in. Then I would go to Khol's and spend the credit from my Christmas returns. I would leisurely shop with no complaints, whining, ticking of the clock, unruliness. I could glare at the other mothers who let their kids run around as if the store was a playground-if I was that kind of person. Ha.
I also wanted to spend a good portion at the "crazy store" where I have yet to take certain members of my family-they wouldn't appreciate it. If you need to know where this venue is or what it is -pm me.

And I definitely wanted to spend time at Barnes and Noble for three purposes-to finish the ebook I was reading Fatal Light, to write, and to peruse the books to see if anything fell off the shelf in some act of fate-granting me a new hobby. But this new hobby has such small parameters I don't know if it will find me. It has to be something I can become passionate about or at least like a lot, it can't cost a small investment, it can't be something that takes an hour to set up and/or put away. So basically I'm left with learning to knit a scarf-only that most definitely does not fulfill the first requirement. Sigh.

This morning of my glorious so dubbed Stephanie's Day (kind of catchy isn't it?),  right away Troy had a lot of juggling to do. Kylie had a chiropractic appointment down town (about 35 min away), he had to get his Grammy's beans to the church, and Ashton to his friend's parents' gym before they left without him. He also needed to get the beans to an acceptable temp so that the tasters could be served relatively warm not cold straight from the fridge and my crock pot was most definitely not going anywhere-tricky. I took the two drop offs but had to make the comment-"Being the Mom isn't easy is it?" He didn't like that and threw something back under his breath. With a peck and a sarcastic "Have a good day"-I was outy. It wasn't until the errands were complete and I was headed to Khol's, music blaring did my Colgate smile make an appearance. Then I almost couldn't wipe it off-almost. The whole day to do whatever I could think of. Well maybe not whatever but I was finally able to breathe and not out of frustration (a habit Louie has picked up-it's quite effective and pretty cute when she does it-(the breathing out of frustration part)).

It was so rewarding. I was ecstatic. No one interrupted my songs or my thoughts and I was in no hurry. I took some of the precious sunshine to ponder for a bit. I came to the realization that the reason I had to jab Troy about trying to do my job today is because I want him to recognize how much brain power, intuition, skill it takes to make our world turn. Not just him, I want all humanity to respect. I need someone to validate my occupation as worthy of doing. It is a beast to tackle everyday. It is mundane and not at all inspiring or motivational. Any of you spend forty hours a week on laundry alone? That's what I thought.

So I either need to find a hobby to enjoy or pull out the nanny hat and become the best damn employee Troy has ever had. Maybe both.

I have to give props to Troy, the man is amazing. When I called at about the time I said I'd be home to extend my alone time-he gave such an impressive report his exact words:
               "You get as long as you want. Come back at midnight if u want. I am just leaving to take Lou to library then go get ash. Danny and his bro are here playing with gav and d. Kylie is juggling in back yard."

Wow. I couldn't have done it better myself and he was probably more graceful than I. You know what this means-more Stephanie Days- I know they'll manage.

Ugh. Who takes their kids to the bookstore on a Saturday afternoon?  Just kidding. But seriously. 

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