Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I Gotta Have It

Wow, what a difference a day makes-or a few months rather. I thought I'd prep my body to run with a friend in a couple of days. That was both good and bad. Now I know how old I am and how jiggly my theighs have become. Nice. Gone are the rock hard quads and if I really want them back -I'll have to work for them. But at least I now know where I stand. I even walked part of the route-lame. Walking is for sissies and old people-I'm neither, yet.

Even worse I spit on myself-twice. You can't say you've never done that before ladies. Admit it. We women weren't born with the innate knowledge of how to spit for distance. Spitting on yourself is definitely one of those truly embarrassing moments that actually become something to laugh about almost immediately-like when there is a hole in your cup and you dribble on your chin right on down your shirt.

I'm not a creature of habit but sometimes I pretend to be. Maybe I haven't found many things to motivate me to keep doing it religiously-although I can say we almost never miss a church service. It's not that it's always amazing I think it is more the fact that it would feel wrong to not go. Besides that is the first step in the slippery slope which always ends up changing you into a heathen.

My point is-washing the dishes before going up to bed, working out every day, choosing the hard boiled egg over the brownie are all great ideas. We theoretically can make the right choice but it just isn't that easy or natural for that matter. It does feel better to be eating right and exercising- my headaches and tummy aches miraculously disappear and energy takes their place. If you can master yourself and make good habits-hats off to you. Obviously if it wasn't difficult to do what we all know we aught to everyone would be toned, educated, wealthy and happy. 

Everyone else's problems are so easy to fix. She complains that she's getting fat but then proceeds to eat a baker's dozen. You just want to point out-well that's your problem.  But sometimes I wonder if we were void of all vices- if we were perfect and mastered would we be fulfilled? Sometimes being bad or just going against the grain is what keeps us sane and makes us feel alive.

What is the answer? Acknowledge your weaknesses but don't broadcast them and take baby steps. Give yourself goals and most important rewards otherwise you won't feel motivated to work so hard and you will be content with mediocrity. The truth is-our vices no matter how comforting-keep us from progressing in other areas. Opportunities pass us by, our focus isn't where it should be, in essence we stop growing. Or we can work harder than we thought possible-to overcome the demons we all have. What you choose is completely up to you and no matter what I will still love you.

I'm parked. What a rebel.

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