Friday, March 6, 2015

Toss Me That Wrench

It's always sobering to hear of a friend's misfortune. It can be heartbreaking. This past fall my dear friend Jenny woke up with paralysis from her waist up (including her lungs), my cousin's husband died in October and most recently a friend-our age-was diagnosed with breast cancer. I tend to think "That could've been me." It can humble us, help us be more thankful, show more gratitude for our blessings. Be kinder and more patient with the ones we love. My Dad always told me before heading off to another day of school, "You never know what's going to happen today.". I always thought of it as exciting-something extraordinary. Maybe someone would leave a flower on my car, or I would be pulled out of class to learn I had been nominated for some good student award. Maybe I would find a twenty dollar bill in the grass where we ate lunch, maybe my parents would have a winning scratcher.  The possibilities were endless. Even though it's more fun to imagine all the unexpected good things that can 
happen we can still come out on top when we are plagued with terrible news. Again it all comes back to perspective-most likely your situation could be worse. 
And over the years I have learned that when you no longer acknowledge your trial as such-it loses power over you. If you can accept whatever life hands you-you will be happy no matter what happens today. The beauty is we are all on the same playing field-no one knows.

She's ready for anything in this crazy git-up.

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