Sunday, March 15, 2015

Come On Guys, Really?

Everytime I hear a little dog barking I am reminded that getting rid of Roxie was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I've decided to go ahead and plant a garden. Yesterday I cleared the two boxes in the yard. Pulling weeds, tilling up the soil to reveal a rich brown dirt and raking to make it all level yields a beautiful result. I started the task and finished it in about 90 minutes, satisfied and sweaty. It's a little too early to plant here-there remains a chance of frost until mid-May. With the weather we've been having that seems impossible but we've learned the hard way and killed a few hearty plants. I wasn't going to bother with a garden this year being we're not sure when or if we're moving. But I've had it with the idea of-well I don't know what's going to happen so I'm not going to do anything.

It comes back to taking action when you are unhappy. Don't continue to live with frustration-in limbo. Don't hate the house and complain about it incessantly. Don't keep living with a void, a hole. Don't expect or hope for your circumstances to change-DO SOMETHING. Anything. Even if it doesn't work. All of the great thinkers, inventors, discoverers, humanitarians, leaders, performers-anyone you know and applaud-have failed numerous times. We typically don't think "I'm going to try this and I know it's not going to work but I'm going to try it anyway." But trying and failing is so much better than not trying at all.

Last summer Troy produced a concert. He'd never done anything like that before. It turned out great, he learned what worked and the things that absolutely did not. He has a dream of owning a concert venue-of working with singer/song writers, bringing acoustic sets to Boise. He knows without connections that will never happen, without investors it's not feasible.
It's a long way away but he's moving toward it. Yes, there are setbacks and disappointments but that is how we learn and he is resilient. He doesn't let the skeptism, and non believers steal his momentum. 

I feel like I'm repeating a previous post but this has been so relevant in my life and so many of my friends recently that I thought it was worth another mention. Everyone has a different answer to the question "What is stopping you?". I'm surprised that so many of us CHOOSE to sit complaceant, dormant or just plain miserable. What's the deal? Figure out what you want, think about how you can obtain it and then go for it-JUMP. When there is a lot at stake-it is then that it is the most important to act.

So many options

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