Sunday, May 24, 2015

Blazing the trail

I'm so glad that God doesn't build walls. He is always there to talk to and to listen to.  My heart has been filleted to increase the surface space so I can absorb the things He is trying to tell me. In the past two months, I have been intensely listening to know where to go. Daily I receive inspiration, images, impressions and the accompanying "aha" moments. It is spiritual and inspiring, freeing and challenging. Yesterday I saw myself in the rat race-rushing for deadlines, overworked, unhappy, too busy to enjoy life-then suddenly I stopped. I dropped what I was carrying, I took off my shoes and raised my hands and head up to the sky. Closing my eyes, I felt the sunshine envelop me while all the others around me kept running-heads down. I was like a stone in the river, as I stood my ground everyone, everything was diverted and I remained unmoved. I had let go of all the "shoulds" and "have tos" and it felt incredible. I'm not moving backwards. I'm also not running, racing to win. It is not a game I want to play. I want to be confident that the movement I make is deliberate and properly motivated. I want to take my time to educate myself.
One day at a time.

photo credit Ashton Cooper

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