Thursday, June 4, 2015

Growing pains

I love this-"If you are having a problem you can't seem to figure out, take yourself out of it. Give yourself the advice you would give a friend in the same situation." This logic is profound to me. It makes perfect sense. When we are in the thick of things our emotions tend to take over. A bird's eye view is much more informative then staring into fog. This rationale can get quick results-sometimes just taking a step back allows us to clearly see the answer. Kind of like when you can't find the left over lasagna but when you take a step back- there it is front and center. (I know- that was a stretch.) Truly, when we are wrestling with coworkers, parents, spouses and or children we can get a different perspective simply by putting some space between ourselves and our emotions.

There are times our friends ask "What should I do?". Sometimes the answer is so obvious to you- on the outside looking in- it's a wonder they can't see it. Sometimes you reply honestly "I don't know what I would do". Often our own problems fall into the latter category and they can't be figured out unless you really work at it. With the practice of removing ourselves from the crisis it becomes less life threatening.

I have been pondering the next step in my spiritual journey. If I am honest with myself, I know what I would tell her to do. But it's not that simple. I'm the leader, they listen to me when I say "Simon Says". I have come to the conclusion for now I have to wait. I have to sit tight, as uncomfortable as I am, and watch the snag in the sweater slowly unravel. Some things can't be rushed. Some things are meant to test our strength. Some things require time to manifest- like strains of a strange virus in a Petri dish.

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