Thursday, October 27, 2016

Feeling Powerful

Villians at the Village

My spiritual journey is finally moving. For the past 18 months I've left religion alone and really just focused on learning how to be a coffee and alcohol consuming adult. But I've been unintentionally gleaning from the minds of the balanced women around me. Last week was filled with an urgency to find my authentic self. So I reached out to five women all who run their own businesses (although that is far from appealing to me at this point), have glowing countanences, make everyone around them feel valued and absolutely know who they are. And they all responded to my plea for guidance! I now have reading material enough to get me well into next year and I know answers will be sought and found. I'm just looking to find my purpose and passion in this life. I'm pretty sure all I need to do is stop and listen. If only I didn't live with 6 other people maybe I could hear myself breathe. I'm looking forward to deep conversations, aha moments, living mindfully, meditating, meeting new people, and yoga classes.

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