Monday, January 9, 2023

Worth Noting

 I made these ugly ass bird feeders today. I was in flow (keeping my intention to be more creative in 2023). These are my favorite types of activities. It is ritual-last year at the beginning of January I started feeding the birds for the season. It is therapeutic-as my fingers dug into the crunchy peanut butter I healed a part of me that says I’m not fun. It was frugal- empty tp rolls, pb no one in the house was eating, and cornmeal that didn’t fit into the pantry container. It was inspired- thinking about the natural world  as something to interact with is a fairly new concept to me and a passion to learn about. Overall, it felt a little bit odd and that is exactly what I enjoyed about it most. Alone, in my kitchen, as the wind whips outside and Dylan prepares to transfer to a new school the last semester of his senior year.

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