Sunday, August 30, 2015

Andy who?

Yesterday Troy was a rock star (not that he isn't everyday). He was in charge of the music for #Baldapalooza, a benefit music festival. This was their third year and it was definitely the best so far-as with most events when they pick up momentum, larger sponsors, bigger names-the projects improve. The line up included Ashley Hess, Jessica Domingo, our good friend Mossi and Andy Grammer! 

It was a blast. I'm so proud of Troy and all the hours of service he gave to help with the fest and raise money for Camp Rainbow Gold. The camp is for families of children who are battling cancer. The night was a success. The preshow party Friday night-Troy's idea- surpassed the experience of the actual concert even without Andy Grammer. It is always so impressive to me when musicians pull together an improv jam session. They all sound groovy on their own but put them together and something entrancing happens. Some may go as far as to say "Music is Life". I tend to agree-depending on the artist.

We had a splendid evening-a few lovely pics with the beautiful, sweet smelling Andy Grammer-face painting-snow cones-dancing and a pair of lost prescription sunglasses. We even crashed in a hotel after the after party. Yes, rock stars. Thank you Troy. I've decided I'll just ride on his coattails-no reason for me to add stress to my chaos. No work just play. You solicit the sponsors and I'll be your date-and take care of your kids and your house and your bills. 

Saturday morning while Troy was running around in a somewhat agitated form putting out fires and what not-I was home blissfully orchestrating the highly anticipated "chore day". Oh how I love the weeping and wailing, the dramatic woes that are staged every Saturday. Yes, the fighting that incurs as to which person needs to do what to make the bedroom pass inspection. This is an issue-one of many-that comes with sharing a room. The tape line has been removed but the responsibilities have become the battle. Who knows-who cares- what started this particular match but it escalated quickly and there were some threats thrown out along with some insults. They left out the expletives-which would have possibly lightened the mood. The climax was definitely the throwing of the shoe. Who throws a shoe? Naturally there had to be a consequence and I know that both parties were equally to blame even though I wouldn't allow them to plead their defenses. I don't want to hear the details of how it all started, who said what and who threw the first punch. It doesn't matter to me. They both were guilty for interrupting what I was doing-the only thing that upset me. 

And here comes Super Mom-I took off their bedroom door. Just slid the pins out and shocked them into silence. I'm not the one to invent this unusual punishment but this was the first time I had used it and without a telling threat. They just stood there and took it. After that they were nice to me and avoided each other-novel idea. Victory. I'm tempted to use it on Kylie for the sole reason that she excludes herself-inadvertently-every day after school with the help of her iPhone sidekick we shall name-Snappy Chatty.

This somewhat unorthodox removing of the door sparked a memory of one of my best friends' mom. She told her teenagers they had to get jobs when they were 16 or a vast amount of their privileges would be revoked. I don't know the details but I do remember after a few weeks she was temporarily working the drive thru at Taco Bell-where everyone went afterschool. Well played Donna.

Whoa, that's a lot of kids.

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