Monday, June 2, 2014

Cream Colored Ponies and Crisp Apple Studel

I guess I'm hard to please. (I can hear the snicker of those who know me.) When I see something I don't like, I try to bite my tongue but, my perceptive critique eventually comes out and appears to be a delayed reaction. When I see something I like, I say so. It seems that I am never able to get enough of the things I like the most.

Let's start with a universal love-ice cream. Even if you were too full to finish dinner or even begin dinner, there is always room for ice cream. Ice cream is gone in our house as soon as the 5 quart is opened. I had never thought to go back for seconds until we were at a crazy party and everyone was doing it. Seconds just seemed glutenous for some reason. However, I can eat a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's and still want to lick the container. There just isn't ever enough ice cream.

Jason Mraz is my artist of choice. I can't get enough of his music. There is never a long enough car drive to listen to all his words.

I love summer for the sole reason that I don't have to wake up anytime before noon. I like my sleep as much as the next teenager. I honestly think I could sleep for a night and a day and a night. In college for some odd reason I wrote an English paper on the topic of sleep. It was so tough to get through the rewrites because if you read the word sleep too many times your brain begins to act on the power of suggestion. I simply can't ever get enough sleep.

If I could live any where, it would be California's coast. I love, love, love the beach. I could just live on the sand. Have a bonfire every night. It's the perfect weather, hoodies and shorts at night, barely anything during the day. The feel of beach blown hair is dirty but it looks amazing. Walking for hours, watching seals bob up and down in the surf, collecting the rare unbroken sand dollar, peering into tide pools for the brightest starfish. It's one place you can take kids and not feel guilty that you aren't really interacting with them. They play so hard and only on occasion bug you for food. It's a good day or week or month had by all. Being land locked in Idaho, I do not get enough time at the beach.

Children can never get enough, of most anything really. You can spend all day doing the things they enjoy maybe breakfast at their favorite waffle shop and a trip to the zoo but if you don't by them a $40 stuffed chimp on the way out it becomes "the worst day EVER!" What is that about? Sure makes you want to take them out for ice cream.

Wanting something can become a burden. If you are always dreaming of what you want you may just miss out on what's right in front of you. So pig out on what you already have, make yourself sick with the candy from your kids' Halloween buckets. Sometimes it gets your mind off of the trip you can't go on, the car you can't afford, hating the house you live in.

Or even better, count your blessings. Recently my truly inspiring cousin was in an auto accident totaling the car. She is fine but then other things started to rain down on her. She has a son with health problems that had to be hospitalized again and some other issues I'm not privy to. Any way she posted these illuminated words, "Counting your blessings is like counting the stars." She is so right. We've done this on Thanksgiving the one day we stop to think about these sorts of things and we had the kids each begin a list of 10 things they were thankful for. Once we all got to 10 we shared them but then something we hadn't anticipated happened. They refused to stop writing. Their lists were as long as they are tall. It was so wondrous to watch their little brains think up and put down on paper all the things they love about life. We should probably do that a lot more often. So maybe instead of an unrealistic bucket list, make a what you're thankful for list. Be careful when you start it, there may not be enough time.
Love this girl but I definitely have more than enough time with her.

1 comment:

  1. It's true about the stars, once you focus on counting them one at a time, then you realize how many more of them you'll never even see. Yeah, a lot like our blessings.
