Friday, June 13, 2014

I love you Jessica Dodd

I love the weather in Boise, it is so unpredictable. Recently when I've been with my kids I've heard them comment on someone else's choice of style, drink selection or even an address where there is no post code envy. I just respond with, "Isn't it great everyone does things differently? That's what makes the world such an exciting place." Of course the kids don't see my point of view and now I've just lumped myself in with the weirdos who they were judging in the first place.

Watching the people who stand out is so inspiring to me. To master the ability to block out the world around me is something I aspire to achieve. I love to see grandma's playing on splash pads at the park, getting soaked with their grand kids. The man wearing a kilt running to the finish line of the Ironman race (he must have felt his heritage trumped comfort-good for him). To have the courage to slap your political, religious or sexual views on the back of your primary vehicle opens you up to nasty looks but also to candid comments that may possibly turn into conversations. To love someone shamelessly, giving them all of you, leaves you whipped and vulnerable but, to be another's fan for life is commendable.

How many of us go with our gut even if it takes us the wrong direction-every time. How often do you act in total confidence of your choices. Why not live life and let the mistakes, wrong turns, broken hearts, losses and bad news be absorbed into the moment you are standing in. The knowledge that you are not in control of the rotation of your life is essential to being at peace, finding happiness and meeting love.

It is fun to be unpredictable. Unpredictable people make us laugh and seem to have the gift to find humor in almost every situation. When life gets shaken up it gives us a new perspective. I love to hear how my friends see things. It's amazing how many unrelated ways we can get the same solution to a mathmatical equation or a complicated personal issue. We are so lucky to have the option to see things in an infinite spectrum of color if we choose to. Not everything is black or white. Not everything is designed to fit in a box, be perfectly folded, paired in even numbers.

Freedom looks different to everyone. My mask is thrown to the floor when we have a family dance party, especially with my parents-music blaring out the front door, our favorite songs one after another after another late into the night, wooden spoon mics in hand, we find ourselves in a vast, limitless, unrestricted  frame of mind. It's a beautiful place to be.

My challenge to you is to be observant of your surroundings, people watch until you identify an individual, or group of people, who look like they are having a good time. Once you've picked your subject(s) committ to emulate their behavior the next time you have an itch to be spontaneous. Be different, stand out, indulge, go on-crash the party.


  1. I LOVE YOU TOO STEPH!! Thank you for thinking of me, I miss you very much! Good conversation topic! I'd like to read your blog on the positive of the other end of it... restraint, reserve, forethought, balance and consideration...blah blah blah �� ��

    1. Well..the question marks are supposed to be a winky face. ;)

    2. I will work on that as I fight reservation, restraint there is definitely a positive place for it! : )
