Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Life Is Not What We Thought It Was

Sometimes we need to let it all go. Watch the pieces of ourselves fall to the ground. See if they take on a new shape maybe something we feel we are more capable of handling. But before we try to fit the puzzle together, just stop and look. Take inventory. There are so many little pieces, big pieces, sharp pieces, round pieces, ugly pieces, bent pieces, torn pieces, shiny pieces, beautiful pieces. Maybe you don't want to put them all back together. Maybe it would be best to leave them there for a minute.

When I feel broken I have to go back to the basics. I seek out the things that make me feel better. I love laying in our queen bed alone all stretched out, long showers, closing my eyes for brief moments when I'm driving, a clean car, standing on a balcony, laughing until it hurts, dancing when I'm home alone, helping my children get clean and in their pjs when we're camping, freshly painted toenails, sharing talks with my kids on their beds at night when I'm still awake, long talks over breakfast with my dad. This list is always the same, it doesn't change. These are little bits of who I am, simple things that are never out of focus.

I get lost to the point that I can't tell which way is up. I know it's okay because I've been here before. It's almost comforting to know that I'm still evolving, shedding my skin to reveal something more beautiful.

There are times when everything seems scary and you aren't even strong enough to stand. Just look for one thing that you know, one thing that brings you comfort and hold on tight. Help is on the way. You aren't the only one who has been here and you won't be here forever.

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