Friday, May 30, 2014

Good Morning-Open Your Eyes

My much younger brother and sister, who have yet to spread their wings, are over looking the tallest precipice of their lives. They have the whole wide world at their feet. I envy them. To be in that spot and to quietly meditate all the choices laid before you. To truly take an adequate amount of time to come up with an outline of a plan. To believe that no matter what direction you choose, when you jump you will fly.

Back on the ground we drag, families in tow. Children are resilient yes, but most of them are opposed to major change just like most adults. Our oldest daughter dispises any talk of a new job, living by the ocean, an adventure in Alaska. She will remind us, "I've been to six schools. I wouldn't go if you moved". Oh yes she would, silly girl.

With a family there is financial obligation, you can't just adopt the life of a drifter. I would love to be so carefree, to walk wherever the wind shoved me. A few years ago, I was in a conversation with some of my in-laws and they were talking about how they'd love to be rich, filthy rich. (Inarguably the most common goal, theme, aspiration, motivation in life.) I responded with an absurd and alarming comment that has some truth in it, "I don't want to be rich. I'd rather be homeless and smoke pot all day." In translation, what I think I was trying to say is "I don't want the responsibility of a grown up I'd rather just have the life of a cat". It still makes me giggle a little. I was living in the moment.

In life there is truly only a small window of time when life beckons you to choose, before it chooses for you. That time is in your youth. Your naive, uneducated, penniless, immature, fragile self has to try to navigate through town to the trail head. I know personally I quickly landed Plan B and now I'm living Plan F. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I have had to build up doors when opportunities didn't come knocking, you have to be brave. You have to do it.

Think of the friends you could make. When you all are single and ambitious you have so much in common in your circumstances but possibly nothing in common with your destiny. That makes life that much more exhilarating. People help shape us. People will help you when you can't help yourself. People will hug you and love you. People become your family.

Who wouldn't want a chance to go back and choose all over again? Cover some uncharted territories, carve a new path. Who knows you might just choose the same one, you boring creature of habit. Though we do not have the luxury of re-choosing where we are, we can live in the moment.

About seven years ago, I threw caution to the wind. I dropped everything. Some things were broken and others were lost but, what I want to share is that I felt so alive. Granted we can't all do this at the same time for the world might collapse however, we all need to try it sometime.  Letting go of everything is extreme. It is not responsible, so be careful not to stay there too long, you can't get that time back. How about just taking advantage of some tomfoolery every now and then? I remember jumping in the pool fully clothed at Troy's 30th birthday party, pretty soon it was full and became an unforgettable dance party. We skipped church one Sunday and took a drive to an ice cream shop we'd never noticed before. I had my future read by a psychic. We started going to concerts. I cut off all my hair. We had a family food fight at dinner mashed potatoes and all. We had a spitting water fight in the house which escalated to faucet sprayer verses full cups. Why am I now so boring? When did I stop living?

I am not suggesting you stop paying your bills, washing dishes (although my sink is always over flowing), making dinner, mowing the lawn and leaving it up to your spouse to balance it all. You can definitely find time, amongst all you do, in order to enjoy life. You must. Even if you have to begin solo, they will eventually join you, someone will.
Summer 2007 (almost makes me want to do it again, almost)

You may be so far removed from joy you don't even know where to begin. How about smiling more, laughing, getting out of the office, out of your house. Introduce yourself to someone new today, go to new restaurants, find a hobby, swim in the ocean next time you go to the beach, eat what you want, set some goals for yourself, do some home destruction so you have an excuse to do some home improvement, have a baby (only if you don't already), dance dance dance, buy an airplane ticket to somewhere you've never been, schedule your vacation time now.....The list is endless, go make your own.


  1. My favorite parts of all your posts are the hope and encouragement you offer/suggest at the end. Because, at the beginning of your posts, you diagnose a problem, issue, challenge, etc. We all have those. But sometimes I think the thing that people don't have or don't rely on most is hope (hope for change, improvement, or just plain hope).

    1. Funny because I'm sometimes surprised there is a ray of hope. You're right, i surly don't start that way but somehow that's how it ends. Guess I'm learning I have the answers inside I just needed the keys to unlock them.

    2. Thanks for everything Mom. I luv you!!!

  2. This is my favorite-- Quote and references Moroni's section on Charity ,,
    “Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other.

    None of us need one more person bashing or pointing out where we have failed or fallen short. Most of us are already well aware of the areas in which we are weak. What each of us does need is family, friends, employers, and brothers and sisters who support us, who have the patience to teach us, who believe in us, and who believe we're trying to do the best we can, in spite of our weaknesses. What ever happened to giving each other the benefit of the doubt? What ever happened to hoping that another person would succeed or achieve? What ever happened to rooting for each other?”

    1. That is a great quote thanks Dianne, it's definitely a keeper. (I sure hope you were able to just copy and paste that!)

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