Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day Love it or Hate it

Sunday was Mother’s Day. I have never felt worthy of the praise on Mother’s Day. It was always such a depressing day. I hated how I mothered. I hated how negative and ugly I was with my kids. But this Mother’s Day was different. I felt proud and in awe of the self control I had exercised if only for five days. But that five consecutive days was a feat that had never before been accomplished. And it was all because I pretended not to be their mother.
I want to scream my secret of success from the rooftops. I want to give every mother the opportunity to turn her family around, to love herself and to have hope. Hope in the future, that in the journey of motherhood no one has to die. Relief to know that she isn’t the only one who hates her kids and herself on occasion.

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