Thursday, May 29, 2014

Judge not lest ye be judged

We all do it, I don't care who you are. We look at someone and make assumptions, we converse with them, observe their interactions and think we know whether or not they could ever kill someone. Truth is there is no way to really know anyone including ourselves. Life has a funny way of influencing us all to constantly shift and shuffle our identities.

There are those who are taught to be weary, steer clear of those whose moral values don't align with their own. Some of my best friends in the world have completely different views on some of the essential elements: religion, politics, gun control. I can't imagine choosing friends based on where they are in life, their appearance, their sins, their mental health even.

I am guilty of rolling my eyes, scoffing,  spreading gossip, people watching at the fair (not so nice though admittedly entertaining) but, I genuinely care for most all human beings.

I find it interesting to hear people's stories. I have the gift of empathy which can be both a blessing and a curse.  I enjoy making friends with the most unlikely creatures. Most of the time I willingly serve anyone (my children, not so much-trying to teach them independence).

We won't always understand or approve of everyone and their choices but we can remind ourselves that we all are trying to slay the dragons. It's a battle to keep our heads above water sometimes. Wouldn't you like a hand if you were in a crisis you're trying to conceal....your emotions are so close to the surface that your auora gives you away?  Or if you found yourself holding the devil's hand being dragged through an addiction stronger than you? How about if you are resentfully working as an exotic dancer desperate to provide for your children? Have anxiety to the point that you are literally prisoner in your own home? A victim of sexual  abuse who struggles to  have an intimate relationship with your spouse? A pregnant teenager? The parent of a school shooter? Are you getting it?

Everyone of us fight differently when life throws down the gauntlet. Some of us give in, letting go of all hope to overcome, filled with fear. Some of us can't seem to walk away from our abuser. Some of us turn to drugs and alcohol to soothe the pains of hell. And yet others of us are strong enough to decline Lucifer's invitation. Don't for one second, you brave warriors, think that gives you the right to assume a higher position in the caste system that is still prevalent in our society. If you have climbed out of a deep whole don't leave your brothers to climb out alone. You needn't fall back in, just cast down the rope. We are here on this earth for each other.

It can be simple things that make you think less of someone-the fact that she has to sleep in her make-up to feel good about herself, that he acts like a girl, that she has the body you wish you had, that he walks with his chest puffed up, that she had a failed musical solo during worship, that he drinks a 6 pack every night after work, that he's covered in tattoos, that she's missing teeth, that her rear is hanging out of her shorts, that he's gay, that she wants to be a navy seal, that she has dreads. Don't worry you won't catch what they have, they aren't contagious.
So the antidote is to open up your mind, stop the gossip, look for the good in people and don't think that you always know what's up because you don't.
Be sure to teach your children acceptance, it'll make the world a better place.


  1. As I get older, what I realize is that very few judgments are really just. Very few people are privy to enough of the information to really understand why a person did something and who they are. And even fewer people want to know the real and whole truth anyway. So many people want to believe what they want to believe, what keeps them feeling comfortable and safe and secure in their own rightness. And while making judgments is normal and healthy the most important significant thing is to not spread gossip and to always truly, genuinely, be kind. Because like you said, most decent human beings harbor a genuine care and love and interest in one another and if that is what we act on and nurture that is what will grow inside of us. :) Judgment is always a good, relevant topic.

    1. I think you are so right Heather when you said very few want to know the whole truth. We all have a lot going on in our own lives sometimes listening to the whole story can be overwhelming but when our friends are going through something life changing is when they need us most.
