Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"Maybe I annoy you with my choices, you annoy me sometimes too with your voice"- JMraz

Another stifling challenge, responsibility, title is that of wife (or husband). I have struggled with feeling free in a marriage. The truth is we aren't. Not free to prowl the street like a cougar. I'm just talking about the freedoms we took for granted, being able to come and go as we pleased. Make dinner or just eat ice cream out of the carton. Go out with friends without a curfew or checking in or an itinerary.There are different constraints to every relationship. In some situations the battles revolve around bank statements for others it's time management, yet others have to have their friends fingerprinted and approved. But for a majority, most rules are unspoken. It's as if once we've tied the knot we're no longer allowed to make decisions alone. Maybe my woes are exaggerated because I had just learned to make all those choices on my own before we got married. I was 18, he was 20. (And my husband is not in the least bit controlling-for reals.)

We are supposed to be one. How is that even possible? I am me. I love being just me. I love being able to take a walk without a shadow of any shape, size, age. I love being independent of anyone and anything. I love how my thoughts don't spill onto anyone else's canvas. I love that there is sometimes no way to put my feelings into words. Those are mine to keep in the crevices of my brain. 

Does that mean I don't love my husband? Absolutely not but, I'm not in love with the circumstances. Everything ordinary, mundane, exempt of fun, and weighing can be pinned to my husband. He helped me create a loving home full of children, a stable family with rules and consequences, we work together to provide and maintain the many needs of our household-all the things we wanted to grow up so quick to do. And now we're doing them.

Think about the last conversation you had with your spouse before you parted ways this morning. Was it flirty? Did you make one another breakfast? Were you wearing one of his work shirts and some sexy panties? Most likely none of the above. I know not everyday can look like the movies. Or can it?

Take the mommy vs. nanny scenario. Now apply the same principle to your husband and make yourself over into his girlfriend. (Or go big and take the part of Jude Law's nanny. Mind blown.)What if you take off your wedding band and only wear your beautiful rock of an engagement ring? Let it shine and bask in the attention you gave it long ago. Doesn't that feel a little different, don't you feel a little lighter? Maybe a little excited to see him again? Send him a text?

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